Business 101

When you own a business, you run it YOUR way. People can have ideas, and that is fine.  I own Silver Eagle Events…..PERIOD.

We bring the BEST bands for the crowd, and the crowd dances…..we (Stephanie’s) gift of hospitality is unmatched, and anyone that reads this knows that for a fact.  I take care of business.

Its a shame people stoop so low to make a point that ……we  (The Eagle) could care less about.  Be careful who you allow to befriend you, as most of them will stab you in the back while smiling in your face.  People follow idiots…..plain and simple…..people followed Hitler, right?…….Who is the Hitler in your bunch……who talks the loudest, brags about the chaos they cause.  What kind of example is that for your children…..your children will be a smart-ass just like the role model of the house.

The key-holder makes the rules……and finally.

There is a BIG difference between making a profit, as opposed to being lied to and ripped off…….I will leave it at that.  That will cost someone integrity  for the long term……

See you at the Eagle