It’s Hot in Here

This wasn’t a catch phrase, this was summer at Silver Eagle. It would burn through your best cologne’s (smell goods) right after you paid the door man. Get your favorite seat and a drink. ….ahh and the Cozy Tacos Salads before you danced.

As I continue to reflect back and share, it is my intention to take the good with the bad. The good, New Years Eve, the bad, being flooded after the snow. Loud Bands, and Tony (no show) Jones. We sure can’t leave out little: Alex “My Buckets Got a Hole in it” Miller who would entertain between sets. He has been doing that almost 10 years now, Thanks Southern Force.

More to remember and share later.

Free Pool

Sometimes the rough tables are the best to learn on, but free is free. Changes were made regarding some of the concessions later on, but that is business.

We had our own fireworks show one year, that was fun, one night after I had everyone’s attention, I set off a 25 count package of crackers on the dance floor, to officially “Start the Show” ~~~I was planning on starting a tradition by doing it EVERY WEEK~~~ but they sounded too much like 22 calibers……So, I didn’t want any one drawing out their protection.
Soon I will share about my lil friend Fireball.
Happy trails